This blog is intended to keep my family and friends up-to-date about my
activities, thoughts and feelings, while being away from Germany "across
the pond" working as an intern at DaimlerChrysler RTNA in Palo Alto, CA.

Sunday, March 13

Short Roundup

Just a quick roundup of what comes to mind to keep you up-to-date: Been extremely busy lately learning for my major exam in Distributed Systems, 10 days left. Finally hopefully understood CORBA (thanks Woody!), have to play with it after the exam. Maybe I will additionally take Object-Oriented Distribution Infrastructures afterwards. Was in Munich last night at Konse's birthday party together with Alex, Stumppi and Anja, thus missed the party of the month: Eric Prydz's "Call on me"-party at M1. Guess everyone else was there! Damn it! Was at the fitness center on friday for the third time, burned 700 (!) calories. However, had a Deizisau-Kebap for lunch! Very tasty! Christoph booked our flight yesterday, departure will be on April 27th, so I will still be in Germany on my birthday. Finally went to another dentist. She also said, that my front tooth, which kept me stressing for years, has to be pulled. So it will be replaced with an implant on Wednesday. It's funny, that the dentist will paste my old tooth (after pulling it) as provisionary solution for some days! ;)


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